Website updates on demand

We help you with updates for the website regardless of whether the contact address or the team members change or there is a need to add some services or new products on demand.

Magazin online - Biroul de imagine

Website updates on demand

TEXT - we perform text level updates, paragraph updates, contact address, adding text to various pages of the website, corrections, etc.

PICTURES / IMAGES - we add new images of your company's products to the website, delete old pictures, perform graphic processing, apply branding to graphic images, convert images from old JPG/PNG formats to new WEBP/SVG formats to improve the site's SEO score- ul, etc.

HTML / NEW PAGES - we add new web pages to the site with current content, we add web pages to the site with new products / services.

LANDINGPAGE - we create new web pages on the site with current specialized content for a specific product / service from your company's portfolio.

FORM - we create contact forms or feedback forms on the website.

ALTE actualizari - asteptam pe email cererea Dumneavoastra cu ce anume doriti sa imbanatatiti site-ul de internet pe care il aveti.

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